20 July 2007

Nothing Ventured , Nothing Gained!

Why should life after 12th be any different? You bet it is. Everything changes as this is a true transformation, for one is expected to get rid of any vestige of childishness and learn to make our own decision .that’s when I realized the saying "Life is not a bed of roses" is indeed true .After 12th there is a phase when one feels stuck between devil and the deep blue sea nothing seems to be the right choice. It’s a time when the word 'future’ becomes critical. One is overpressures by themselves rather than the people around. Trapped in a dilemma of "where to go?” of course there are a few who beg to differ and have there life planned right until the end but am referring to the vast majority not the "crème de la crème”. The penultimate years of school and junior college are left behind and its time to get back to some serious 'future planning' and the 'make or break' decision is to be made. Now that’s a different issue that most of the time the planning hardly pays of and land up where they least expect. With loads of courses n degrees offered these days it’s not a matter of getting in2 a course but it’s the matter of getting into a course of ones own choice. A few get what they demand and most of them are demanded to accept what they get. Also one of the critical things is how successful will you be in the field which you enter. Be it a Planned field or Unplanned Field …….. If you are not successful in it ruins your entire life.
After all those sleepless nights and huge amount of hard work put in for the entrances…….. if the result turns out not in your favour……….the student will be disappointed – this will be an understatement.

A Few Experiences

- “I initially wanted to join the NDA….. I studied 2 yrs for it….. after my 12th , I ended up doing B.Sc because I dint clear my NDA entrance”

- “ I wanted to become a doctor… but ended up doing Bsc after my 12th

- “I wanted to do Merchant Navy….. but dint clear it then was confused which to go for between B.Com,
Banking and Insurance or B.Sc IT. I also had plans of leaving studies and playing cricket professionally but I ended up doing BMM”

- “After opting for the Science Stream I wanted to go for Aviation but I ended up doing Hotel Management.”

- “I wanted to go in for Micro-biology and I got thru”

- “ I wanted to do medicine but due to parents pressure I did not give the entrance and finally went for BMS

- “ I had plans for doing a BBA ...i even got thru but I still insisted of doing a B.Com”

- “I wanted to do MCA…. I ended up doing an MBA”

- “I wanted to go for IAS… but I wasn’t successful so I am currently doing B.Com “

- “I wanted to go for architecture ….. cleared my entrance… but I had already given the BMM entrance jus for its sake , I cleared it n ended up doing BMM.”

“With plans disrupted and aspirations shattered a wake up call is catalysed”. One doesn’t know what future holds for them. The usual mantra of the students “Don’t whack your brain, it will give you pain, listen to your soul let your ideas unroll” is vandalized.

By taking up a career, which is initially not desired, does not imply that success is out of reach. What matters is ‘not what you do but how you do’. For most, their aspirations are just idealistic dreams n unattainable goals. Yet there are few who have understood that the ‘sun cannot rise over the world in which all people are equally fortunate’. There are many eminent personalities who have changed their fields at critical times of their lives n have made it to the epitome of their career.

Well…………. With many questions unanswered one question will always top it all and that is ‘how to get out of this trauma and breathe a sigh of relief?’ So to the galaxy of confused folks, here’s our advice (from personal experience) “chase your dream until its visible after that take life as it comes”. There is no harm in experimenting with a different course if you have not got into the desired field. Of course there is the ‘risk factor’ but as the famous proverb goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

P.S: Follow the advice at your own risk!

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